Call to action for Aqua Illinois

Rep. Syed Calls on Aqua Illinois to Reinforce Water Services in Kildeer and Hawthorn Woods

“For days, hundreds of households in Hawthorn Woods and Kildeer endured the punishing effects of Aqua Illinois’ extended failure to provide water. The company took far too long to mitigate their failure or adequately communicate with the people they failed,” Syed said. “People lived without showers, toilets and clean drinking water. Pregnant women, seniors and other at-risk groups faced a serious public health emergency. Over 20 residents from different neighborhoods came to our district office this morning to share their experiences with Aqua Illinois, their lack of communication, and the personal hardships they’ve experienced as a result of this water service interruption.” Read the full press release here.


Rep. Nabeela Syed to Hold Solar Energy Town Hall


Expanding Paid Sick Leave passes